Tag Archives: tomatoes

Pan-seared mahi mahi; roasted Campari tomatoes with garlic and feta; wilted spinach and arugula

Wow–that’s a long title for such a simple dish! This dish is easy, folks. You’re not going to find any beurre blanc or insert-whatever-foufy-French-preparation-method here but you will be amazed at how something so simple can be so flavorful! That’s what food is supposed to be about, right?? Sure, the fancy crap is great, but […]

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Greek garbanzo bean salad

Last night was vino night with the girls! A lot of wine and a few snacks were on the menu…. In order to avoid the frozen, pre-packaged food aisle at the supermarket I decided to make an easy garbanzo bean salad that’s healthy, low fat, and very tasty! It was a hit! This is great […]

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